tisdag 7 april 2015

Log book week 15

Activity: Listen. I played the game decorate. You are decorating a room in English. My five words are rug=matta, blind=gardin, rullgardin,  bunk bed= tvåvåningssäng, shaped=formad and checkered= rutig.

Activity: Read. I played the game big words. You are guessing what the words mean.
My words are wobbly= ostadig, doubtful= tveksam , daybreak= gryning, rural= landsbygd , mediator= medlare

Activity: Read. I read a text in news in levels. A museum in the Philippines create three dimensional artwork.
My five words are encourage= uppmuntra, theme= tema, expand= expandera, concept= koncept, pose= posera

Activity: I listened to the song ''Let it go''
My five words are bother= bryr, rage= ilska, glows= lyser, isolation= isolering, swirling= virvlande

Activity: Listen. I listen to a text in BBC News. A man in South Carolina wore shoot seven times in his back by a police because he run away from him. The man then died. He was stopped by the police because of a broken headlight.
My five words are unarmed= obeväpnad, dashboard= instrumentbräda, emerged= dykt upp, charged= dömd, previous= tidigare

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