fredag 26 augusti 2016


Episode one - A secret about the brain

1. Why does Mojo want to leave school? Can you sometimes relate to how Mojo is feeling?
Mojo wanted to leave school because fund it to hard. He thought he was not smart enough. I can sometimes relate to Mojos feelings. Sometimes it is to hard and I have difficulties to understand. Then I just want the subject to end.

2. What does Katie say to Mojo to convince him not to leave?
Katie says that a person is not born stupid or smart. If you give your brain exercise with hard a task, then you will get smarter. It is like a muscle. When you were born you could not speak, but you had to learn.

3. Do you think Mojo can become smarter? Why or why not?
I think Mojo can and will become smarter. But only if he has the mindset and really wants to. And if Mojo are on a standstill during exercise. Then he could get help from someone.

4. What subject do you feel frustrated by sometimes? Can you see yourself becoming smarter in that subject? How?
Sometimes I get frustrated during Swedish. But to overcome the frustration I need to put the time in to it. If I need help I ask for it.

Episode two - The magic of mistakes

1. What does the quote from the video, "mistakes can make you smarter" mean to you?
The quote means for me that if I fail I now know that it is wrong and I will do it differently next time.

2. How can we learn from our mistakes? Talk about a specific, recent example.
When we was programing robots I did not know how to do it good. I often programed the robot wrong. But I knew if I did it wrong the time before, I would not do it in the same way again.

3. If you were building a robot and kept "failing,” what would you do?
First I keep trying. But if that is no ouse then I ask for help. Two brains is beter than one.

Episode three - The power of “yet”

1. What should you do if you are stuck on a project, math problem, or other learning?
I should ask for help, maybe he or she know how to solve the problem. If neither of us don not know the anser then we could try and solve it together.

2. Think of a time you were afraid to ask for help. Why did you feel afraid?
When I was a small child me and a friend climbed up a tree. But I was to short and could not do climb up. I did not ask for help because I did not my friend to that I was a bad climber.

3. Why is the word "yet" so powerful? Think of a "yet" moment in your life and describe it.
The word ''yet'' is so powerful because if for an example. If you can not speak fluent english yet, then it dose not mean you can not do it later. It is joust that you can not do it right no. When I was a smal child I could not swim yet. But I knew that with practice I could learn and of course I did.

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