torsdag 16 april 2015

Log book week 16

Activity: Read. I listened a text in Göteborg Daily. In Chalmers students are suing Volvo for more than 17 million crowns.
My words are suing= stämma, Patent= Patent/ äganderätt av uppfinning och ide, graduate= går ut,  submit, insända/ inlämna, regarding= beträffande/ avseende

Activity: Read: I read in ''The Telegraf''. In the Swedish city of Gothenburg two men died and several others were injured when a grop of people started to shot in the pub. The police suspect that a gang lay behind this.
My five words are eyewitness= ögonvittnen/ vittnen, spokeswoman= taleskvinna, broadcast= sändning, frightening= skrämmande, occasional= tillfällig

Activity: I read a text in Euronews. I retold it to Robin.
My five difficult words are ambush= bakhåll, raid= attack/ fientligt infall, guerrilla= stridsstrategi/ bakhållskrig, clash= kollusion/krock, regime= styre/ regim

Activity: I listened to a text in Radio Sweden. A town in Minnesota risked to lose its name Lindström to Lindstrom. But they saved their Swedish name. Lindström bills itself as ''the little Sweden''.
My five words are limit= gräns, contributions= bidrag, executive= verkställande, umlauts= punkterna, Administrator= administratör

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